Esperance Bird and Animal Park

Travel Date: 22 May 2011
Esperance Animal and Bird Park - less than 20 minutes drive from Esperance town.
It's worth an experience to actually see the animals and get to interact with them.
This is the entrance, it also has a cafe if you want some refreshments.
The only counter to where you will pay for your refreshment order or your entrance fees to visit the park.
Your entrance fee has a free one bag of feeds so that you have some food to feed the furry animals.
Take note: Give the feeds only to FURRY ANIMALS not the feathery ones. In other words,
(Eclectus roratus)
Lenght: 42cm
Diet: seeds, fruits
Male: bright green, scarlet & blue wings, orange beak
Female: scarlet, purple breast and belly, blue on wings, brownish beak

Sun Conure
(Aratinga solstitialus)
Origins: South & Central
America, West Indies, Mexico
Length: 30 cm
Diet: seeds, fruit, insects
Lifespan: 25 - 30 years
sexually metamorphic
Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
(Cacatua galerita)
Length: 50cm
Diet: seeds, roots, berries, insects
Breeding: August to January
Lifespan: 90 years
Major Mitchell's Cockatoo
(Cacatua leadbeateri)
Length: 36cm
Diet: seeds, fruit, roots
Breeding: May to December
Australian King Parrot
(Alisterus scapularis)
Length: 49 cm
Diet: seeds, fruit, nuts, nectar, blossom, leaf buds
Breeding: September to January
Gang Gang Cockatoo
(Callocephalon fimbriatum)
Length: 34 cm
Diet: seeds, fruit
Breeding: October to January
Male: red head

These guys are really agile. I have noticed most of them are used to seeing humans and being hand feed. It made me feel guilty when I saw their mouths full of sand after they have eaten the food that I had thrown on the ground as I could not overcome of feeding them with my hand.



Golden Pheasant
(Chrysolophus pictus)
Origins: Central Eastern Asia
Diet: grains, greens, grassses
Breeding: September to November
Male: colorful


scottish highland cows

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